everything of cody righhhhhhtttt heeeerrreeeee:D

Friday, 29 July 2011

cody quote......

CODY: "I don't mind doubts, they motivate me."                      *does another push up....*

I FOUND ANOTHER FUNNY PIC! once again i take no credit.

are'nt they some sexy shoulders??? hmmmmmm; i wonder what he is doing??? *sick thought*.....

Wierd Cody Quote......... ?

CODY: "I heard a rumor that, i, ..... had left the earth,................... like,......died...."

Cody Planking:)

CoDy QuOtE..........

INTERVIEWER: "Who's your celebrity crush?" CODY: "Uh, i don't have one at the moment, it changes. but um, not at the moment. to be honest, Miley Cyrus is pretty hot though. no one at the moment. apart from her:)"

          ummmmmm, okaayyy? <3 LOL <3

i do not take credit for this, i found it on the internet, and i thought it was funny, so, ENJOY!

Cody Quote!. . . .

CODY: ".... And they were like..... 'your so stupid!'.....and i was like, 'i know.' " 